Most of our forms can be submitted online or they can be printed as a pdf, completed and sent back to us.
Locate the form you want to complete, use the plus sign (+) to access the form.
Your name
Your address
Your phone number
Your email (we will use this to confirm receipt of your entry form)
Your dog’s name
Your dog’s breed
Tell us about your dog in no more than 50 words
Are you under 12? YesNo
If you are under 12 you MUST have a responsible adult (over 18 years of age) with them during the event.
Name of responsible adult
Phone number of responsible adult
Declaration I understand I must have my dog on a leash and under full control prior to and after competing.I agree to follow any instructions given to me on the day by a representative of the Festival of the Fleeces.I agree to be bound by any terms and conditions set down by the commentator at the event on the day of the festival.
If you would prefer to print a paper copy of the form, you can download a PDF of the Dog High Jump Entry Form.
Your name/organisation name
Name of contact person
Type of Float Car club / motorcycle clubIndependent vehicle (non-club)FloatWalkersUte/pickup with trailer (e.g. pulling organisation or team members)Semi (includes flatbeds for school teams and other large groups)Other – Give details
If you are a member of a car/motorcycle club, what is the name of the club?
If you are entering a vehicle (club or non-club), what type of vehicle is it?
If you are entering as a walking group (such as a school or other group), how many walkers are there?
Give a detailed description of your entry including length
Please indicate which of the following describes your insurance I/we have liability insurance that covers us during the parade.I/we are entering the parade at my/our own risk.
I understand and agree to the following entry conditions Only entrants with a valid entry pass will be allowed to enter the parade.All participants enter the parade at their own risk.The Merriwa Festival of the Fleeces committee do not accept responsibility for injuries sustained by participants during the parade or any damages to property.Children entering the parade must be supervised by an appropriate number of responsible adults.Any vehicle(s) must meet the legal requirements for a registered vehicle.The Merriwa Festival of the Fleeces committee has the right to refuse entries.Whilst riding, helmets should be worn at all times. Please adhere to this requirement otherwise exclusion from the parade may be enforced.A maximum of 6 entries will be accepted from the one agency/ club/ service.No alcohol is to be consumed or displayed by any parade participant.No promotional material or items of any kind can be thrown from parade entries during the course of the parade without express consent from the Festival of the Fleeces committee.All entries MUST have their number displayed at all times whilst in the parade.The traffic controllers (VRA) have the final judgement for safety on the day and all directions issued by VRA traffic controllers must be carried out.When riding on a float, all entrants must be seated or a safety barrier must be erected around the float.
If you would prefer to print a paper copy of the form, you can download a PDF of the Parade Entry Form.
Name/Title of Quilt
Who stitched the quilt?
Who completed the quilting?
Who designed the quilt?
Finished size of the quilt Width in inches Height in inches
Is this quilt for sale? NoYes What is the sale price (Note, the Festival of the Fleeces will retain a 5% commission on all sales. This covers merchant fees, any bank transaction fees and a small amount for fundraising.
I understand and agree to the following entry conditions I understand that the Festival of the Fleeces will retain a 5% commission on the sale of any quilt.I understand my quilt can only be exhibited if there is a sleeve sewn onto it so a rod can be inserted for display purposes.
If you would prefer to print a paper copy of the form, you can download a PDF of the Quilt Exhibition/Sale Entry Form.
Download a Sponsorship Form. We’d love to have you on board as a sponsor.
Download the Stallholder Application form.
Your name name
Vehicle Registration
If your vehicle is associated with a car/motorcycle club, what is the name of the club?
Vehicle Make
Vehicle Model
I understand and agree to the following entry conditions Because entries are limited, it is possible my entry form may not be accepted.Bump-in is between 8am and 10am (a map and instructions are available on the website).Bump-out is between 2pm and 3pm.All participants enter at their own risk.The Merriwa Festival of the Fleeces committee does not accept responsibility for injuries sustained by participants or any damages to property during the event.The Merriwa Festival of the Fleeces committee has the right to refuse entries if they are deemed inappropriate for – or not in keeping with – the festival.The festival car display will be AT THE SHOWGROUND IN 2025. I understand this is NOT a tarred area.A permit will be issued for each vehicle and must be displayed on the day (vehicles without a permit will not be given entry to the display area).
If you would prefer to print a paper copy of the form, you can download a PDF of the Vintage Car/Vehicle Display Entry Form.
This year’s theme is called The Magic of Wool. Your display should showcase the diversity of wool and the huge array of things made from wool. Did you know that wool filters (made by New Zealand company Lanaco) have been used on a NASA mission to the moon? Yes! Wool in space!
Applicant’s name (the applicant is the person or organisation to whom any prizes will be awarded. This may be different to the business where the display is exhibited).
Address of the display
Contact person’s phone number
Contact person’s email (we will use this to confirm receipt of your entry form)
Title of Display
Display category Indoor DisplayOutdoor Display
I understand the following entry conditions Prizes will be awarded to the person or organisation named as the applicant (under Applicant's Name).The winner will be announced at the Opening Night on Friday the 6th June.The winner will be published on the festival’s website and through social media channels.
If you would prefer to print a paper copy of the form, you can download a PDF of the Window Display Entry Form.